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Department Name: Annaprasadam
Advt No: TTD-122021(31)/47/2024-MTVAC SEC-TTD
1 TTD-122021(31)/47/2024-MTVAC SEC-TTD “Providing Manpower - 213 Nos., of Multipurpose Workers (MPWs) under unskilled category to work at Annaprasadam department, Tirumala for loading of Annaprasadam containers into Vehicles, unloading the same into designated points for distribution, collecting empty containers and handing over to the respective Kitchens, unloading, cleaning, peeling, cutting & storing, cleaning and storing of Rice, pulses, oil, commodities etc., works, Assisting to Cooks, carrying & serving food, Cleaning of dining halls immediately after dining including floor, Cleaning of vessels and kitchen items, Grinding and other works incidental to cooking, serving & cleaning etc., works, as assigned by the department from time to time” - “Providing Manpower - 213 Nos., of Multipurpose Workers (MPWs) under unskilled category to work at Annaprasadam department, Tirumala for loading of Annaprasadam containers into Vehicles, unloading the same into designated points for distribution, collecting empty containers and handing over to the respective Kitchens, unloading, cleaning, peeling, cutting & storing, cleaning and storing of Rice, pulses, oil, commodities etc., works, Assisting to Cooks, carrying & serving food, Cleaning of dining halls immediately after dining including floor, Cleaning of vessels and kitchen items, Grinding and other works incidental to cooking, serving & cleaning etc., works, as assigned by the department from time to time” 25-03-2025 15:00 View/Download
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