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Srivari Seva
Srivari Seva

The richness of Hindu Sanatana Dharma is that it preaches “Manava sevaye Madhava Seva” which means “Service to Humanity is Service to Divinity”.

Illustrious Acharyas like Tirumala Nambi, Ramanjuacharya, Ananthalvar and many others dedicated their lives in the service of people thereby possessing the heavenly mukthi.

The concept of Srivari Seva has been derived out of this noble thought by TTD and was introduced in the year 2000 with an aim to serve the pilgrims who throng Tirumala from far flung places to have darshan of Lord Venakteswara.

Began with just 200 Srivari Sevaks in the initial days, today the figure has crossed 13 lakh mark and Srivari Sevaks have rendered impeccable services to their fellow pilgrims during all these years.

Srivari Sevaks hail from the states of Telengana, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Kerala, West Bengal, Maharastra, Orissa, New Delhi, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand also apart from Andhra Pradesh. Even some NRIs also perform Srivari Seva as part of their fulfillment of their vow in the devout service.

On any given day not less than 2000 Sevaks will be on service while during festive and vacation seasons the sevaks count reaches to 3500.

Srivari Seva forms an integral part of worship at Tirumala. The opinion of the Sevaks is that “It not only enlivens our spiritual life and also prepares our body and soul to act as per the will of supreme Lord which is nothing but serving the fellow pilgrims with love and affection”.

How to Register
To register for Srivari seva through online click on the following link Online Registration for Srivari Seva   
General Instructions for Srivari Seva

Srivari Seva is a voluntary service where pilgrims will render free services to fellow pilgrims who come for darshan of Lord Venakteswara every day.

Srivari Sevaks should be from Hindu religion only.

Srivari Sevaks who is within the age limit of 18 years to 60 years alone will be permitted for Srivari Seva.

The Srivari Sevaks (both men and women) who enroll for Srivari seva should be healthy i.e., physically strong, mentally fit as they have to perform the Seva for longer duration every day.

Srivari Seva is a voluntary Service. Hence, no payments will be made by TTD in any form.

Srivari Sevaks should not have been involved in any Criminal activities or cases.

Srivari Sevaks are requested not to carry / Consume prohibited articles under section 114 of AP Charitable and Hindu Religious Institutions & Endowment act, 1987.

Specific Instructions for Srivari Sevaks

The respective team leader/coordinator of Srivari Seva group has to bring the id-proof with which he has registered on-line and remaining team members will also have to bring their respective id-proofs along with them while reporting for Srivari Seva.

Separate accommodation for Male Sevaks is provided in Srivari Seva Sadan-2 and for Female Sevaks in Srivari Seva Sadan-1.

The volunteers should keep their accommodation and toilets tidy.

The volunteers are requested to bring their own locks and keys along with them and no individual rooms will be allotted.

The Srivari Sevaks have to discharge their selfless services in the service areas allotted by the office. Service timings will be for a minimum of 6 hours per day.

Uniform is mandatory for Srivari Seva. Male volunteers should wear white shirt and white pant or Dhothi or kurta-pyjama, while female volunteers should wear orange colour saree with Maroon border and Maroon blouse or Orange colour top with Maroon colour bottom and same colour duppatta while in service.

If they fail to come in the specified uniform, then they will not be allotted service.

The Sevaks have to wear Srivari Seva scarves only when on duty.

Always chant Govinda and address every one as Govinda only and serve the pilgrims with patience.

Every volunteer should wear Tirunamam with vermilion or sandal paste to identify themselves as Srivari Seva volunteers.

The volunteers should feel the presence of lord in every devotee and serve the fellow pilgrims with devotion.

The women volunteers should not wear night gowns and the male volunteers wear shorts during nights in their respective accommodation centres.

The Srivari Seva is absolutely a free service intended to serve the fellow pilgrims. The Sevaks should not to give kind or cash to anyone (team leader or staff members) for Srivari Seva and do not insist for temple duties as it is not mandatory.

Temple duties are allotted through Electronic DIP only.

While in Srivari Seva, the Srivari Sevaks should not go forAngapradakshina and Arjitha Seva tickets evading their duties. If so they will be banned from service for a period of two years.

If any team leader is found to have collected money from the teams members for temple duties, he or she will be banned from service both as team leader and also as a member.

Code of Conduct

 Srivari Sevaks are expected to maintain high standards of honesty, integrity, confidentiality, impartiality, and good conduct in the course of, or in relation to their Seva.

 Srivari Sevaks are expected to be courteous, considerate and prompt while reporting for Seva.

 Srivari Sevaks must comply with all applicable rules and regulations issued by the TTD from time to time.

 Srivari Sevaks must comply with any lawful regulations, orders, policies, and appropriate requests issued by the On-duty supervisor or other TTD officials having    jurisdiction over the Seva involved.

 In the course of, or in relation to their Seva, Srivari Sevaks shall adhere to the policy of the TTD that there shall be no discrimination while performing the seva based on factors of caste, cadre, age and gender.

 Srivari Sevaks should consult with the on-duty supervisors on general queries as they may have regarding the applicability of various regulations, which may pertain to their seva.

 Srivari Sevaks shall not harass / argue / fight with other Sevaks, TTD Employees or pilgrims.

 Srivari Sevaks shall not participate in gambling or any other form involving playing of cards while staying at TTD provided accommodation at Tirumala.

 Srivari Sevaks are prohibited from carrying / consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs or Tobacco or meat foods while at Tirumala, as described in the Section 114 of CHRIE ACT 1987.

 Srivari Sevaks who violate the above act will be subjected to legal action as per the provisions of Law.

 Srivari Sevaks are here – by informed / warned that professing / doing propaganda any other religion other than Hinduism is prohibited under G.O.Ms 746 & 747 both dt 2-6-2007. Any Sevaks are found violating this act, appropriate legal action will be taken against them.

OTHER IMPORTANT SERVICES : Apart from the general srivari seva,TTD has introduced one more specific service-Parakamani Seva.